All manufacturers' names, numbers, symbols and descriptions are used for reference purposes only. It is not implied that any part listed is a product of any of these manufacturers.
Seepex®, Moyno®, Allweiler®, National Oilwell®, Gardner Denver®, FMC®,Kerr®, Weatherford®, Wheatley® and Union® are Trademarks and Tradenames of their prospective Corporations or owners. (The trademarks Moyno® are owned by Moyno, Inc. The trademark Robbins & Myers® is owned by Robbins & Myers, Inc. Fluidmachines Inc. is not affiliated with either of those companies. We are not an authorized distributor of the goods sold under these trademarks.) Parts manufactured and/or distributed by Fluidmachines inc.. are equal to or exceed all OEM specifications.